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This guide is the next part after setting up the database. If you have not setup the database yet please do so before continuing.

Creating the JSON File

The bot uses a mix of both a config.json and a .env file for configuration. The config.json file is used for configuration that is not sensitive and can be shared publicly. The .env file is used for sensitive information such as tokens and database connection strings. To create the config.json file we will copy the example.config.json file and rename it to config.json. We can do this with the following.

Common Configuration Mistake

Please ensure that you change Data.Database to mysql.

If you do not, the bot will not work correctly.

Configuration Explained

Now that we have our config.json file we can start configuring it. Below is a list of all the options and what they do.

    "Bot": {
        "Prefix": ".",
        "Guilds": [
        "Owners": [
        "Activity": {
            "Presence": "watching {users:,} costumers • Version {version}",
            "Status": "online"
    "Logging": {
        "PurchasesChannel": 1234567890,
        "GlobalCustomerRole": 1234567890
    "Data": {
        "Database": "mysql|postgresql|mongodb|"
    "API": {
        "IP": "",
        "Port": 5000,
        "Key": "CHANGEME"

  • Bot:
    • Prefix: The prefix the bot will use for commands. (Unused)
    • Guilds: A list of guilds the slash commands will be in.1
    • Owners: A list of user IDs that will be able to use owner commands.
    • Activity:
      • Presence: The presence the bot will use. Supports the following variables:
        • {users:,}: The number of users in the database.
        • {guilds:,}: The number of guilds the bot is in.
        • {version}: The version of the bot.
        • {prefix}: The prefix of the bot. (Unused)
      • Status: The status the bot will use. Learn More
  • Logging:
    • PurchasesChannel: The channel ID of the channel the bot will log purchases in.
    • GlobalCustomerRole: The role ID of the role the bot will give to customers of all products.
  • Data:
    • Database: The type of database being used. If you are using MariaDB make sure to use mysql.
  • API:
    • IP: The IP the API will listen on. (Best left as "")
    • Port: The port the API will listen on. (This port must be open to the internet)
    • Key: The key the API will use for authentication. (This key must be kept secret)

Common Configuration Mistake

Please ensure API.Port is set to the port of your server. You can find it on the console page.

It is the number after the : in the URL.

For example, would have a port of 12345.

Finishing the .env file

Now that we have our config.json file we can finish our .env file. To do this we will add the following to the .env file. Replace the values with your own.


Next: Starting the Bot

  1. The first guild in this list will also be the guild the bot will use for customer roles and the purchase channel.